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Discover Teeter Blog

Exercise and the Brain: How Daily Movement Boosts Memory and Thinking Skills

A recent study found an interesting link between exercise and the brain, showing that daily movement may help prevent dementia and boost your brain health.

May 17, 2019|Benefits of Exercise, Fitness, Healthy Living|

6 Simple Stretches for Sciatica and Hip Pain Relief

Here are some quick, guided stretches for sciatica and hip pain. Combining gentle stretching with inversion therapy is a natural way, non-invasive way to help relieve the pain.

May 10, 2019|Back Pain, Inversion Therapy, Stretches|

Teeter Trains Army Soldiers at Fort Bragg on Inverted Decompression

Teeter trains Army soldiers at Fort Bragg to give them a natural way to recover from the high-impact activities that come with their career.

May 2, 2019|Company, Inversion Therapy, Teeter News|

How to Relieve Back Pain at Work

If you have a desk job, don’t let yourself and your colleagues suffer from back pain. Inversion therapy is a natural, non-invasive way to relieve back pain throughout the day.

March 15, 2019|Active Office, Back Pain, Inversion Therapy|

The Many Benefits of the Massage Roller Ball

In the wide array of self-massage products, the Massage Roller Ball stands out as a unique tool. Here are some of its many benefits.

March 4, 2019|Healthy Living, Self-Care, Self-Massage|

Are Inversion Tables Dangerous?

Are inversion tables dangerous? Learn who should and shouldn't use an inversion table and the unique, high-quality safety features of Teeter Inversion Tables.

February 19, 2019|Back Pain, Inversion Therapy|
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