Taking Preventative Measures: How Trooper Lance Kramer Avoids Back Pain While On Duty
State Trooper Lance Kramer shares his Teeter success story about how inverting daily ensures that he can remain active and pain-free for years to come.
State Trooper Lance Kramer shares his Teeter success story about how inverting daily ensures that he can remain active and pain-free for years to come.
A recent survey of 2,000 Americans provided insight into the various triggers for neck and back pain and the approaches people take to try to relieve it.
Here are some quick, guided stretches for sciatica and hip pain. Combining gentle stretching with inversion therapy is a natural way, non-invasive way to help relieve the pain.
Teeter trains Army soldiers at Fort Bragg to give them a natural way to recover from the high-impact activities that come with their career.
If you have a desk job, don’t let yourself and your colleagues suffer from back pain. Inversion therapy is a natural, non-invasive way to relieve back pain throughout the day.
Are inversion tables dangerous? Learn who should and shouldn't use an inversion table and the unique, high-quality safety features of Teeter Inversion Tables.
What does it actually mean to decompress your spine? Dr. Jerome Fryer explains how inversion tables work to decompress your spine and relieve back pain.
Inverting on a Teeter offers a variety of benefits, and top performers explain their own personal reason for adding a Teeter to their daily routine.
Teeter CEO Rylie explains the physiological effects stress has on the body, how it can trigger serious health conditions, and techniques to relax and release tension.
No matter your age or fitness level, inverting with a Teeter Inversion Table on a regular basis can benefit the body in so many ways.