The sedentary lifestyle of working 8+ hours at a desk every day significantly increases your risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, weak muscles, and overcompensation. Overcompensation is when a strong muscle picks up the slack of a weak muscle and this will increase your chances of a strain-based injury. Sitting less and moving more helps prevent the downsides of a sedentary lifestyle. In this article you’ll learn why you need a standing desk, then we’ll show you an easy way to add movement to your day – right at your desk!

Better Posture

Standing desks allow you to stand and adjust your keyboard or workstation to the appropriate level. This will dramatically improve your posture as the glutes and hamstrings, two of the most commonly underutilized muscles for desk workers will remain activated and will not atrophy.

Less Pain

The number one complaint by desk workers who are sitting all day is that of lower back and neck pain. When you use a standing desk, you improve your posture and activate essential muscles to ensure you can eliminate or significantly reduce work-based strain.

Longer Life

Sitting has been linked to a number of health conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. Using a standing desk may help you avoid these risks.

What Type of Standing Desk to Use?

You’ll want a standing desk that allows you to adjust the height to your personal preference. Having a comfortable workstation stool to take a break on is also a must. The Teeter Sit-Stand Desk is a completely adjustable standing desk that is comfortable and efficient, allowing you to be as productive as possible.

Reversing Damage from Sitting

Incorporating stretching into your daily work life at your desk is a great way to be less sedentary.

Stretching allows you to release tension in overworked muscles while reducing the risk for overcompensation from stronger muscles. What’s more, stretching helps to reset length-tension relationships between working muscles. This means that muscles will be at their correct length without tightness and you’ll notice the benefits of this in your day-to-day life.

5 Standing Desk Stretches: Quick 7-Minute Routine

Do you currently own a standing desk? Did you know that standing desks are made to be stretching tools? Let’s take a look at the top 5 standing desk stretches that you can do in the comfort of your work or home office.

Teeter Sit-Stand-Desk Stretch 1. Standing Desk Hamstring Stretch

2 sets of 30 seconds (per leg)

  • Place the left leg on top of your standing desk’s chair or stool.
  • If balancing becomes too difficult, stand to the side of the desk and place one hand on the desktop while stretching.
  • Grab the toes with both hands
  • Lean forward at the hips
  • Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and switch legs

Teeter Sit-Stand-Desk Stretch 2. Standing Desk Quadriceps Stretch

2 sets of 30 seconds (per leg)

  • Hold the standing desk with the right hand for balance
  • Bend your quadricep behind you and grab it with the left hand
  • Pull your left foot to your rear and hold for 30 seconds
  • Switch legs

Teeter Sit-Stand-Desk Stretch 3. Standing Desk Back Stretch

2 sets of 30 seconds

  • Place both hands on top of the standing desk
  • Bring your feet together
  • Bend at the hips and lower the upper body between your arms
  • Keep your hands on the desk
  • Hold this stretch for 30 seconds

Teeter Sit-Stand-Desk Stretch 4. Standing Desk Chest Stretch

2 sets of 30 seconds

  • Stand facing away from the standing desk
  • Bring your hands behind you and place them on top of the desk
  • Stand up straight and raise your chest into the air
  • Hold this stretch for 30 seconds

Teeter Sit-Stand-Desk Stretch 5. Standing Desk Core Stretch

2 sets of 30 seconds

  • Face your standing desk
  • Place the right hand on the desk and leave it there
  • Turn away from the right hand by going to the left
  • Hold this stretch for 30 seconds then switch sides

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